Kindly note: Fields marked as ” * ” are mandatory to be filled before submission of this form.
Choose the School * SelectBethesda International SchoolJohn Toddlers' Home
Name of the Applicant *
Date of Birth *
Date of Birth in words *
Nationality *
Religion *
Caste * SelectSCSTOBCGeneral
Mother Tongue *
Father's Name *
Father's Occupation
Mother's Name *
Mother's Occupation
Contact Number (Office)
Contact Number (Residence)
Mobile Number *
Email id *
Address for Communication *
Standard in which the applicant is currently studying * SelectPre-KGLKGUKG1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
Standard in which admission is sought * SelectLKGUKG1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
Year for which admission is sought * Select2023-242024-252025-26
Siblings studying in this school? SelectYesNo
Name of Sibling
Sibling currently studying in SelectLKGUKG1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
Whether Parent/s are Alumni of this school SelectYesNo
Academic year when Parent/s studied in this school
If applicant has any sickness or is physically challenged, kindly give details below
Attach copy of Birth Certificate Only word or pdf file format is accepted. File size limited to 2mb.
Attach copy of Latest Progress Report Only word or pdf file format is accepted. File size limited to 2mb.
Whether enclosed copies of Birth Certificate and latest Progress Report SelectYesNo